Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here comes Baby Porter!

Yup... you heard right. We are going to be parents! Yikes!

Baby Porter is due to arrive the first day in October.

We are very excited, yet pretty nervous! The past 4 months have been full of emotions... excited, freaking out, excited again.... but overall we are very blessed to see our family grow!

The first picture is the 'bean' at 9 weeks... and the second is a pic of Sara at 15 weeks. We will be finding out the sex of the baby at the end of the month... we'll keep you posted.


So, here goes another adventure with the Porters.

Thanks in advance for all of your prayers, love and support as we bring this little bean into this family.

1 comment:

. said...

Yeah Baby Porter!!!! We love you already, and your mommy and daddy too! So excited for you guys! Love you!