Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Lake and a trampoline

A handful of my friends took me to Lake Tahoe for the weekend... and had some girl time before the big day. It was one of the best weekends!

We didn't do anything monumentous... but consider it memorable. We went hiking, shopping, rested, watched movies, ate tons of food, laughed... and ate more! Then we went and jumped on trampolines for one entire hour. Sounds crazy... but it was FUN!

We each took turns doing cartwheels down the hallway, flips on the trampoline, put avocado masks on... bought jeans and had chips and salsa till we couldn't eat any more!

These last few weeks of my single life have been great... I am thankful for my friends and my family! Everyone is so excited!

Justin and I were eating dinner tonight... and he asked me... "are you nervous?" I looked at him and said... no way jose. I'm not. Should I be?

Nervous about marrying the love of my life? Nervous about waking up next to the best thing that has ever happened to me? Nope! This is a wonderful blessing in my life... one I don't deserve, but will gladly accept. I praise GOD everyday for Justin.

Last year this time... oh goodness. I was a mess. But God loves messes... and well... that is just perfect for me.


brenda Madsen said...

Good pics! Fun times. One week. Oh Boy.

VJ said...

Sara! I am so excited for you and Justin! OF COURSE YOU DESERVE THE BEST! I don't want to hear any of that nonsense!

Love ya,
Vic =)